My preference for working across a multitude of domains has resulted in a strong personal ethic towards continuing professional development and supervision work. I consider myself to be a capable, well-rounded practitioner who is just as comfortable working on a big stage, as I am interpreting in a doctors surgery.
Prior to the Coronavirus pandemic, the majority of my work took place in London and Essex. Fortunately, I have been able to adapt my working practices, transferring most of my work online. I have a dedicated office space where I can work discreetly, which offers my clients the assurance that I can maintain confidentiality at all times.
A strong broadband connection and high quality computer hardware are an essential part of interpreting during the current pandemic and as such, I have invested heavily in my technical infrastructure. I regularly work across multiple software platforms, including Zoom and MS Teams, and can provide crisp backgrounds in either white or blue.
I have experience of interpreting both face-to-face and remotely in the following domains:
Community: medical and DWP appointments, immigration
Platform: conferences, presentations, AGM's, lectures, road shows, politics, live streaming, public talks
Performance: Literary events, festivals, interviews, panel shows, talks, debates
Education: primary, secondary, further education, higher education and professional qualifications, needs assessments
Employment: Access to Work, interviews, training, supervision, appraisals, disciplinary meetings, telephone interpreting, office support
Mental Health: assessments, therapy sessions, counselling, training, follow up appointments, advocacy
Legal: solicitors appointments, case conferences, out of court interpreting
Social Services: family interviews, crisis intervention, mediation, safeguarding, child protection, mentoring
Corporate and Entertainment: parties, networking, team building, excursions
Remote Interpreting: Video Relay Service, Access To Work assignments, Live-streaming
In recognition of the fact that we all have our limits, I do not accept any work interpreting court hearings, religious events, or music concerts. If you need an interpreter for any of the above, I am happy to signpost you to more appropriate colleagues.
On occasion, I receive requests to undertake translation work which would be better suited to a colleague. Please click the link below to help you decide whether you need to book an interpreter or a translator for your assignment.
Outside of the industry, the terms 'interpreter' and 'translator' are often used interchangeably. The main difference between the two is that an interpreter will work simultaneously, facilitating communication between people who do not share a common language. Translators are more likely to pre-record work into one language, such as translating a piece of set text. Or, they may work live, interpreting from an autocue.
Many translators will also work as intralingual interpreters. The NRCPD defines intralingual interpreters as "Deaf professionals who work with Deaf people with specific or complex language needs, such as a learning disability, mental health condition, idiosyncratic or non-standardised sign language use, or limited language development. A Relay-Intralingual Interpreter will work intralingually within British Sign Language and broker communication between the hearing British Sign Language/English Interpreter and the Deaf client, in order to ensure that the Deaf client understands the message being communicated."
I am regularly contacted with requests for translation work and whilst I am happy to undertake ad hoc translation tasks during the course of my working day; anything requiring a more time intensive piece of work should be done by a Registered Sign Language Translator (RSLT). Not only will you receive a more authentic end product, but many translators have extensive media industry experience and will be able to offer you an inclusive quote should you need audio and subtitles adding.
Sign Language Translators will have undertaken post-graduate level training and they are often native sign language users who are fluent in the languages of their country. Many are also polyglots, able to work into other signed languages or international sign language too.
RSLT's can be sourced directly from the NRCPD website, but if you are still unsure of your access requirements, please get in touch and I will do my best to help.